If your baby is crying constantly, then you aren't alone to face this issue. Babies cry for a reason, but deciphering their cues can be overwhelming for parents.

This fussiness could be a sign of a basic need, a developmental leap, or even an underlying illness. Soothing techniques can calm your precious one during this stage. Let's explore the 20 most common reasons why your baby is fussy.

1. Your Baby Is Hungry

Your baby might be fussy because they are hungry. Babies have small stomachs and hence, they need to eat frequently, often every 2-3 hours. This hunger-induced fussiness can be identified by multiple cues, like crying, smacking lips, or even rooting.

If it’s been a while since their last feeding, your baby could be trying to tell you it’s time to eat again. Hunger can be caused by factors like a growth spurt, which increases the baby's nutritional needs.

2. Your Baby Is Overtired

To answer the question "why is my newborn fussy?", you can look at the overtiredness of your baby. When a baby is overtired, they become fussy due to the accumulation of stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline.

This state could lead to overstimulated activities (especially during nighttime) or an irregular sleep schedule. Babies have a limited awake window, and once they surpass it, they struggle to fall asleep.

3. Your Baby Has Colic

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If you are a parent that wants to understand "why is my 1 month old so fussy?", then your baby's Colic might be the cause. Colic is a common reason for fussiness in babies. Colic is characterized by prolonged, intense crying spells that usually occur in the evening period.

It typically occurs in the first few months of life and can be distressing for both the baby and the parents. This could be the answer to your "Why is my 2 month old so fussy?" problem too. The exact cause of colic is unknown, but it may be connected to digestive discomfort or an immature nervous system.

4. Your Baby Feels Too Hot Or Cold

A baby's fussiness at night can be attributed to temperature, i.e. if they feel too hot or too cold. Since babies have sensitive thermoregulation, it is difficult for them to maintain a comfortable body temperature.

So, overheating may lead to sweating, irritability, and disrupted sleep. Meanwhile, colder temperatures can result in restlessness and crying due to discomfort. The ideal sleep environment for a baby is a room temperature between 68 to 72 F.

5. Your Baby Needs Diaper Change

When a diaper is wet or soiled, this could lead to discomfort, irritation, and even diaper rash issues. This makes the baby restless and eventually results in fussiness. This may be the answer to why your baby is so fussy at night.

When babies have the sensation of wetness or the presence of stool in their diaper for a prolonged time, it can create an unpleasant environment against the sensitive skin. Your precious baby being fussy during this time is only a healthy reaction.

6. Your Baby Has Illness

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A common reason your baby may be fussy at night is due to illness. Even minor illnesses can cause significant discomfort for infants. This leads to fussiness, accompanied by restlessness and frequent waking. 

Since babies are unable to express their discomfort verbally, they will cry and fuss as a way to communicate their distress to their parents. Monitoring for signs of illness and seeking medical treatment might help identify and manage the underlying situation of your little one.

7. Your Baby Has Gas Issue

Gas issues are another factor that can cause significant discomfort for babies, leading to fussiness at night. Gas can build up in a baby's digestive system from swallowing air during feeding or from certain foods in their diet.

This trapped gas can only lead to discomfort and bloating. Once the issue becomes too problematic, it may lead to your baby becoming more and more fussy.  This issue can be particularly witnessed in the evening when babies are often more tired and less able to cope with discomfort.

8. Your Baby Has Acid Reflux

Babies with acid reflux often become fussy during nighttime due to discomfort caused by stomach acid that is flowing back into the esophagus. This situation is also known as Gastroesophageal Reflux (GER).

This condition may worsen when lying down as well. GER could lead to irritability, frequent waking, and difficulty staying asleep. The discomfort from acid reflux may occur due to irregular feeding patterns. Symptoms will appear shortly after eating.

9. Your Baby Is Feeling Bored

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It is vital to understand that your babies can feel boredom. During the day, they experience a lot of interaction and activity. However, the environment turns quieter and less engaging during the nighttime.

This contrast can make them feel restless or frustrated. As a result, you can witness your baby acting fussy at night. Babies thrive on stimulation during their waking time. When this diminishes at night, they can struggle to settle down. 

10. Your Baby Has Constipation

Your little one is bound to experience constipation which may be difficult when they are learning about bowel movements. They can quickly become fussy at night due to discomfort and pain caused by the inability to pass stool easily.

Constipation in babies could result from multiple factors like diet changes, formula intolerance, or even dehydration. This discomfort can typically intensify during nighttime when the body is at rest. This makes it difficult for babies to settle down during constipation.

11. Your Baby Has Separation Anxiety

Separation anxiety is a common reason why your baby is acting fussy, especially during nighttime. This developmental stage typically occurs around 6-12 months. This starts to occur when babies begin to understand object permanence, realizing that their caregivers still exist even when out of sight.

The sudden absence of their primary caregiver, especially at bedtime, can cause distress and anxiety. As a result, they might have trouble settling down when put to bed. This leads to increased fussiness as they seek proximity.

12. Your Baby Has Abdominal Pain

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Abdominal pain can be another issue to explain why you have a fussy baby at night. Abdominal pain can come from various sources like gas, constipation, or digestive discomfort.

Since infants have immature digestive systems, they can be prone to gas buildup, especially after feeding. Likewise, swallowing air during crying or feeding can also contribute to gas, leading to bloating and discomfort.

13. Your Baby Has Headaches

An infant being fussy at night can also be due to a headache. Unlike adults, babies cannot articulate their discomfort, leading to unexplained crying or irritation. Headaches can be caused by a variety of factors like sinus congestion, dehydration, and even overstimulation from the day's activities.

Babies may exhibit signs, including pulling at their ears or rubbing their heads. So, the next time your baby is acting fussy, check for any sign of headache. This way, you can offer immediate treatment and comfort to reduce the fussiness.

14. Your Baby Has Inconsistent Sleep Pattern

An inconsistent sleep pattern can cause fussiness at night. Eventually, the lack of a predictable routine can lead to feelings of insecurity and discomfort. Irregular sleep schedules can disrupt the baby's internal clock, making it difficult for them to fall and stay asleep.

Moreover, fluctuating sleep patterns can interfere with the natural release of sleep-inducing hormones such as melatonin. This factor further complicates the baby's ability to form a solid sleep cycle.

15. Your Baby Is Teething

As teeth begin to emerge through the gums, it can cause significant discomfort and pain. This can lead to your baby being fussy. The pressure of teeth pushing up through the sensitive gum tissue could result in sore, swollen gums.

This discomfort usually peaks at nighttime when there are fewer distractions. This makes the pain more noticeable and increases the chance of fussiness due to teething issues.

16. Your Baby Has Ear Problems

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Earaches are a common reason for fussiness in babies. This is especially true when the eustachian tube (tube that connects the middle ear to the back of the throat), becomes blocked due to colds or allergies. During the earache, the blockage enables the fluid to build up.

This forms a breeding ground for bacteria and viruses. The resulting pressure turns more troublesome when your baby is lying down. This scenario increases discomfort and makes it hard for them to sleep. Hence, fussiness becomes a reaction during this period. 

17. Your Baby Has Bladder Infection

A bladder infection can be a common yet painful issue for infants. Babies with this infection can exhibit fussiness. This can be seen during nighttime as well, due to the discomfort and pain associated with the infection. They may have trouble sleeping and display signs of irritability.

Since infants cannot verbally express their discomfort, their distress can manifest through fussiness. Hence, parents must recognize these signs and seek medical advice immediately. Moreover, bladder infection can become severe if left untreated, leading to worse consequences.

18. Your Baby Has Toothache

A baby's toothache can lead to fussiness issues. This problem can be highly noticeable during nighttime. As teeth begin to erupt, around six months of age, the pressure of the emerging tooth against the gums can result in pain.

The pain can disrupt a baby's sleep cycle, leading to frequent waking, crying, and irritability during napping time. The sensation of throbbing gums might be especially problematic, establishing nighttime as a challenging period. Likewise, swollen gums, increased drooling, and a tendency to chew on objects become issues along with the fussiness.

19. Your Baby Feels Frustrated

Your baby could act fussy due to frustration stemming from their rapidly developing abilities and limited ways to communicate. Babies are always learning new skills like sitting up, rolling over, or grasping objects. They can become frustrated when they can’t accomplish what they want.

Moreover, they are also unable to express their needs and desires effectively. This can result in increased irritability. This frustration is heightened at night when they are tired and less capable of coping with challenges.

20. Your Baby Is Overstimulated

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Overstimulation happens when a baby is exposed to more sounds, sights, or activities than they can handle. This can occur particularly in the evening when they're already tired.

During the day, infants can encounter various stimuli like bright lights and loud noises. However, by nighttime, their developing nervous system can struggle to process these inputs, leading to fussiness.

How To Soothe a Fussy Baby?

From the aforementioned reasons, we can conclude that the major reasons for fussiness in babies are due to discomfort, hunger, overstimulation, or tiredness. 

Grasping their cues is crucial for efficient soothing. Babies can communicate through cries, body language, and facial expressions. Responding quickly will aid in building trust and security.

Comforting Touch

A comforting touch like gentle stroking or cuddling is simple and effective in soothing a fussy baby. The main reason to do this is because of the calming sensory input.

Babies find reassurance and security via physical contact. This action can stimulate the release of oxytocin, a hormone linked with relaxation and bonding.  This interaction assists in the regulation of your baby's heartbeat, breathing, and stress levels. This may promote a sense of comfort and safety.


Swaddling is a great method for soothing a fussy baby. It is effective due to it mimicking the secure environment of the womb. By wrapping the baby snugly in a blanket, swaddling offers warmth around the body, helping to calm the nervous system.

Conducting this action can also reduce your baby's flailing limbs, which may contribute to their fussiness. This can be your solution to the "Why is my baby fussy at night?" issue.


Feeding is a simple and traditional way to soothe a fussy baby. It satisfies the baby's basic physiological need for nourishment, providing comfort and reassurance. Likewise, the act of breastfeeding involves close physical contact. This could promote bonding and release calming hormones for babies.

Feeding should occur in a quiet setting with dimly lit lights. This can help to reduce sensory overload and create a calming atmosphere that's good for relaxation and sleep.

Rocking or Swinging

Rocking or swinging offers a soothing rhythm that mimics the comforting sensations of being in the womb. This gentle motion can regulate a baby's nervous system, calming them down.

This movement releases endorphins and reduces stress hormones, promoting relaxation and reducing fussiness. Moreover, the rhythmic motion might distract a baby from whatever is causing their distress as well.

Warm Bath

Another way to soothe your baby is to provide a warm bath for them. The warm water can help to relax their muscles, reducing any tension or discomfort they could be having.

Likewise, the sensation of water may also remind babies of the womb's comforting environment. This ultimately provides a sense of security. If you seek to relax your fussy baby with emotional reassurance, then a warm bath is a great option.