Everything is precious when you have a baby. Even the slightest movement of the baby's feet makes feel above the moon. Teeth in baby is another important landmark you are eagerly waiting since birth. You baby's tooth starts developing from 4-12 months. In some babies, it might take earlier or later. No need to panic, it is perfectly normal in a healthy baby. Some are exception, some gets their first tooth in first week of a birth.

During the process of teething your baby will try is to communicate. Your baby's body will articulate sign and symptoms. Some able to read. Some won't get clue. Specially for first-time parents. It is the most difficult time. Do not panic. I got you covered, heres are 20 signs of teething in your baby.

1. Drooling

Source : momjunction

Your baby will starts drooling during the phase of teething. Drooling is the process of occurring saliva. One cannot believe the mount of saliva come out from the tiny mouth. Babies will start dripping saliva until the teething process come to the halt. Drooling might leave your child wet and soggy. Try to dry your child often.

Wipe off the face and mouth to prevent form rashes. Bacteria in the saliva might cause rashes. It's quite normal for babies to drool however, it might get worse with cold or allergies.

2. Gum Hematoma

Gum hematoma or eruption cyst is fluid-filled sac right above the gum tissue before the tooth erupts. They form just above the teeth. Blueish colored or sometimes blood may occur from the mouth. If you observe a lump just above the gum of your child, do not worry. Most probably it will disappear within a week. However, it last more than a week, take your baby to the doctor.

3. Gnawing and Chewing on Objects

Source : sproutandthrive

Gnawing and chewing are very common behavior you will observe during the phase of teething. Your baby will often chew anything in their mouth during the stage of teething. They will chew anything from their hands to any objects they find nearby. Chewing things will comfort the babies. Calm yourself instead make sure your baby reaches no hard or harmful objects.

You baby is impulsive to chewing because of pain and irritation during pulping of the teeth from the soft gum. To comfort your baby, use a soft clean cloth, wet it with the cold water and gently rub around the gum. It will help your baby to calm. Remember to clean your hand.

4. Irritability

Source : unsplash

Your baby might be very finickier and cry louder than usual. It is because tooth start coming. It is very discomforting for a child while teeth are coming out of the gum. First teeth and molar are very uneasy during the time of eruption. This is the reason your baby is irritated during teething phase. Some parents get anxious as they are unaware of the situation.

First-time parents panic which is unnecessary. It will worsen the situation. Calm yourself and visit doctor if necessary.

5. Flushed Cheeks

First-time parents always get anxious when they see flushed red cheeks. This is very signs in a baby during the time of teething. When teeth start peeking out of the gum, it causes irritation and inflammation in the cheeks. Temperature rises. This should not last longer. If it last more than a week, rush towards hospital as soon as possible.

6. Night Walking

If you baby is restlessness at night and often you hear them crying this may be the sign of teething. Babies often cry when tooth starts budding from a gum even after they have slept for a whole day. They cannot sleep due to extreme discomfort during the process of teething.

7. Rubbing and Tugging their Face Parts

Source : pixabay

Rubbing and tugging their ear is the most common behavior you can see in your baby during the process of teething. Babies often rub their ear or cheeks due to discomfort and pain. They will start tugging their ears as a sign of irritations. The pain in the gum is so extreme that it will start travelling from ear to cheeks.

As a parent, you can massage the gum of the babies to reduce pain and stay calm. Make sure your hands are cleaned before rubbing. Tugging or rubbing ears can be the sign of ear infection, visit hospital as soon as possible.

8. Biting

As molars teeth start erupting from the gum, it will create a pressure during the process. Resulting in extreme pain and discomfort in babies. They will feel irritation and cry. To counter the pressure of teething they will start biting and chewing. 

They will put anything in their mouth during teething. They will bite your hand, their hand, your nipples while breastfeeding. They will bite anything to their proximity. To comfort them provide them cold washcloth or anything soft and clean.

9. Dribbling

Your baby will starts dribbling more than usual during the phase of teething. Dripping of saliva from the mouth of the babies is due to irritation when the molar starts erupting from the gum. Saliva can make you more discomfort than the babies. Wipe of the saliva from their face as the bacteria from the saliva can cause rash around the face and body.

10. Refusing food

Source : pexels

Teething in babies often comes with change in food consumption pattern of the baby. Your baby will start refusing to eat food at the time of teething. Such behavior is shown because of the pain when molar teeth starts to grow from the gum. It will cause irritation and discomfort in babies. 

They will cry more often. While they refuse to eat, they will start chewing hands and other stuff. If your baby is not eating properly seek help form yours baby pediatrician. They will provide you help and recommend suitable food.

11. Rise in Temperature

At the time of teething, when molar starts erupting form the tinder gum of the baby, you might feel the slight body warmer than usual. However, the body temperature does not rise above 101 Fahrenheit. Parents may come to a distress assuming it as a fever. Pressure created during time of molar eruption from the gum could be the reason for raising the body temperature.

You should try to cool down the body with cool cloth and massage around the gum. If the body temperature rises above the normal body temperature, visit your local doctor as soon as possible.

12. Bump below the Gum

When its time for teething in babies, tooth pushes a gum to come out of the shell. During the process you may observe a small bump below the gum. Bump appears to be bluish or brownish which is called eruption cyst. You might observe other smaller bump in groups which are different from eruption cyst and are harmless.

As a parent this might worry you however, this is harmless bump. It causes no harm or pain to your little jumbo. Chances is that, it will disappear after teeth comes out of the gum.

13. Fussiness

Your baby might be fussy. You might get hard time pleasing your baby or you might find difficult to calm your baby. This can be the sign of teething in child. Your child will cry often. Your baby will might lose appetite. Gets easily irritated. Try to comfort your child my massaging the gum with the cold clean soft cloth. This might help you baby to relax.

14. Increased crying

Source : unsplash

Most common sign of teething in baby is crying. Your baby will start crying more than usual. When the molars start erupting from the shell of the gum, they will come with disasters in babies. It will cause pain, slight rise in body temperature, irritation, and refusal to eat.

As they cannot articulate in words, they will starts crying. As a parent, you should stay calm and do not lose your composure. Try to calm your baby. Massage around the gum.

15. Mouth Rash

At the time of teething, you child will drool a lot. Saliva will start dripping copiously more than usual form the mouth of the baby. Dribbling occur more often and get wets around face, neck and body. Bacteria in the saliva might cause rashes in the face of babies or neck.

To prevent your bay from rashes, wipe off the body gently with a soft and wet cloth. If your baby gets rashes anyway, visit the doctors. Some rashes might be brutal.

16. Anorexia

Anorexia is a eating disorder in low body weight people. Generally, people with anorexia lack interest to eat food. At time of teething, your baby might not show interest for food. Your baby might lack appetite. They will cry often and look for things to chew or bite.

It is because of the extreme discomfort and pain they are suffering through. Molar tooth tries to come out of the soft gum with a force causing torment around the face and body at last.

You do not need to worry. You can try various trick to calm your child. Try massaging around the gum with wet clean cloth. Make sure it very soft for the gum. If your baby is crying louder, visit the doctor. Try to seek help. Ask for the suitable food which can be fed during teething.

17. Teething Rash

At the month of teething which is starts from 6 to 12 months, you baby will start drooling excessively. Saliva will wet the mouth, parts of face and body of the baby. Rashes might appear around the mouth, cheeks and body. The bacteria in the saliva is the root cause of rashes.

To prevent rashes in child, clean the body with a wet soft cloth. If rashes are visible, visit doctor as soon as possible. You can also use moisturizer cream consulting with the doctor to create a barrier for a saliva.

18. Facial Rashes

Source : momlovesbest

As your baby will start teething, you baby will start dribbling more than ever. Saliva will wet the face. Babies skin and mouth will come in contact to saliva. Rashes will start appearing around the mouth, cheeks and skin.

Bacteria in the saliva is the main cause of rashes in the face. To prevent rashes in a child, clean the body with a wet soft cloth. If rashes are seen, go to doctor as soon as possible to prevent your baby from further repercussion 

19. Cough

Cough can be taken as normal reflex in a child during the stage of teething. Most first-time parents get worried when their baby cough. It is a automatic reaction shown by the body during the stage of teething.

Just help him to soothe. You do not need to panic when your child is coughing. But take necessary precautions if s/he cough often due to cold or allergies. You can keep away your child from allergic products. Make him sufficient warm during winter. If situation gets out of hand, visit near hospital.

20. Increased Crying

Your baby will cry more often and louder if possible, during the time of teething. When the molar tooth starts to erupt form the gum, it will cause pain in your baby. Your child will feel discomfort and irritation which lead to loud crying.

At this stage, it is very hard for a parent to calm the baby. Try to please your baby using different playful act. massage the area around the gum with a clean cold cloth. If your baby does not stop even after that, visit your doctor for a help.